Change Management
A knowledge basis to create change in organisations, effectively, ethically, and creatively.
Communication and Conflict Mediation
patterns and phases into conflicts
visible and unvisible costs of conflicts for organisations
paths out of conflict
becoming conflict-proof as an organisation
Work Psychology
work motivation
work satisfaction
physical and mental safety at work
organisation analysis
work culture
Organisational Development
longterm, holistic change responding to incremental societal changes
- focus on organisational culture, human-centred
- different organisational structures and dynamics
- different development strategies,
- personality types, functionality of teams
Change Management Processes
when need for quick change to societal disruptions (versus incremental change)
what makes change possible and successful
collective and individuals resistances and hindrances to change
costs of change and of non-change
I completed a four-month full time online training in Change Management at the IU Akademy, funded by the German Work Agency.