
My name is Clara Maria Taslima vom Scheidt,
Welcome to my work.
I support individuals and
organisations to increase
1) their emotional resilience
2) compassion with others and oneself, to prevent polarization and radicalisation,
3) activate our inner potential for systemic change making.

My work is based on interpersonal neuroscience, systemic coaching and sustainability science. This approach can be adapted to many different groups. Violence in its many forms is rooted in unprocessed trauma and a lack of safe systems of belonging.
To build healthy societies, people must get the chance to learn how compassion works in our brains and how we can build our compassion nervous systems. There are practical exercises to train compassion with ourselves and others, that go way beyond preaching or intention setting to "not hate" and instead "to love".

I hold a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences and Politics from the Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, as well as a M.Sc. in Geography of Global Change from the University of Freiburg, Germany.
I combine my academic knowledge about sustainability transformations with a variety of methods.
These offer knowledge and processes on how emotional aspects can be turned from hindrances to success generators in sustainability work!
Please feel welcome to read more about the work here and to schedule a free consultation call.